I understand why the arrow keys could not be used to option cycling, since they were already reserved for movement, but Holy Hannah it does not make sense to make such a crucial and necessary function like option cycling be achieved through keys that are as obscure and archaic as Page Up and Page Down.

PgUP and PgDN: Option Cycling – Now this one right here is a pain in the rear end and is the reason it took me so long to complete the tutorial. So keep this one in mind once you make it to Melee Island, as you will absolutely need to learn to manage items in your inventory as you progress through the game. I: Inventory - This control also makes a lot of sense, but it is not used at all during the into sequence and the game does not talk about an inventory system at all. This function is necessary for the tutorial, as there is an object you do have to pick up, but the game does not teach you about putting things into your inventory during the intro sequence. P: Pick Up and Put Away - Again, in retrospect, this keybinding does make sense for the function it corresponds to, but this is not something I would have figured out intuitively. This is the first time I've encountered U as the interact button, and this is necessary for completing the intro. U: Interact - I think the "U" is short for "Use," which makes sense when you put it into perspective, but in literally every other game I have played, the Interact function is usually represented by E or F. When I first played this game again, I was almost afraid that my game was broken because I was so limited in my movement (and it has been quite a while since I played this game, so I forgot about the nature of the tutorial.) In the off chance you get scared of this too, don't worry, chances are your game is still fine. Arrow Keys: Movement - This is the most self-explanatory and logical part of the control scheme, so I'm not going into detail, but I wanted to bring it up because the intro/tutorial level has you tied to a mast post, and you can only move left and right to start off.